Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Wake up - The Sad Truth: You May Have Been Brainwashed with HEAVY, SERIOUS, ANXIOUS Thoughts

I've spent a lot of time the past week helping people who are stuck in over-thinking, who are mired by fear and anxiety, who are worn out from their mental patterns.

Today I am sharing free flowing thoughts on the need and power of transforming our thoughts one at a time.


Let all layers of seriousness fall away.

You’ve been brainwashed with heavy beliefs—taking yourself and life far too seriously.

This heavy energy makes life feel hard.

What a contrast it is to see an exuberant child.
Lighthearted, free, not yet brain-washed with fear, stress and worry.

Why not return to your original essence?
Why not move from joy, creativity and think of your work and your purpose as Big-Kid playing?

How might your days change and transform if you were more upbeat and happy in your approach?

Couldn’t you achieve the same outcomes but do so from well-being and thriving rather than stress and strain?

Yes, it seems radical.
It goes against the status quo.
But has the status quo been working for humanity?
Disease, war, distress…lonlinesss, mental health crisis plagues humanity.
Clearly the thought patterns and belief systems adhered to now for generations have spun out of control.

Step back.
Know the results you desire to experience.
Know the energy you want to feel in your mind, body and spirit every day.
Then, re-create your own way of thinking – thinking that allows you to thrive no matter the outer circumstances.
Thinking that does not tie your self-esteem to outer achievements but instead to YOUR INTRINSIC VALUE.

Imagine thinking that will allow you to feel free REGARDLESS of what others say and do!
Imagine celebrating each moment of each day knowing that as you step forward, what you need appears at the perfect time, in the most dynamic way.
Imagine having an open-heart, a heart that cares, that acts on love, that creates positive change in your community with the resources at your disposal right now.
What would this type of person be thinking all day, every day?

Nobody has power over your mind and mental patterns except YOU.
Become aware of the thought patterns that have imprisoned you for far too long.

It’s time to say goodbye to what doesn’t work and to purposefully, consciously choose THOUGHT SYSTEMS for freedom, joy, wellness and thriving.

Lay a new foundation…one brick at a time, one new thought at a time…it may take you months, even years to overhaul your mental processes but it will pay off for your lifetime!
Invest in this inner transformation and you are certain to reap incredible life satisfaction.

If you aren’t sure how to do this on your own, seek help and coaching from someone who does.
I have done this within myself and I teach others to do the same.

With all my love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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