Friday, January 27, 2017

2 Ways to Get Feel Better and Be Happier Today!

In my last blog, I shared the Happiness Formula ( You have the power to INTENTIONALLY increase your happiness. I'm going to share 12 practices over the course of the next week. The idea is NOT to do all 12 at once. You would most certainly become overwhelmed. The idea is to listen to the ideas and then pick one or 2 key ones that resonate with you. Then, begin to apply them to your life and experiment with them.

The first one is: Take Care of Your Mind & Body.

How can you do this?

Here are two simple, research-based ways that are proven to increase well-being and happiness:

1. Meditate. Learn to breathe deeply and relax your mind. Meditation literally activates parts new part of your brain. You can begin by just sitting quietly a few minutes a day and focusing on your breath. Or, you can use guided meditations (you can find them online or on youtube). The key is to begin relaxing your mind, body and spirit into silence. Doing so will create INNER Space for you to have peace and connect to more of your happiness.

2. Exercise. Yes, even 10 - 30 minutes a day of movement makes a BIG difference to your mind, body and spirit. Exercise helps your brain get more creative. It stimulates positive chemicals to flow through your body and give you a better sense of well-being. Find simple ways to get moving. Take a brisk 10 minute walk in your neighborhood. Head to the gym. Try an exercise class if you prefer to workout with other people. Just get your heart rate up and get your muscles engaged.

Pretty basic, right? Yes...these activities I'm going to be sharing in these upcoming blogs are simple...and you may already know about them. So, the key is to PRACTICE them.

Give them a try. See which of these 12 intentional activities to increase happiness work best for you!

And, why not pass the ideas on to a friend who might benefit?

Let's create a ripple of global happiness! We sure could use it!

With my love,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

1 comment:

  1. I've been reaping the benefits of both of the practices. Both are simple ways to to walk the happiness trail each and every day!
