Thursday, January 19, 2017

Encouraging You: The More We Get Together, The Happier We Will Be

Each morning as I drive my 2 year old to her daycare, we have the same discussion.  I ask her, "Sage, what are you looking forward to today?"

She replies, "Friends!"

So, then we discuss by name each of her classmates and teachers and with each person I mention, she says their name and then smiles and laughs as she thinks of them.

She also regularly sings the Barney song, "The more we get together, together, together...the more we get together, the happier we'll be."

These situations coincide with powerful research I've been reading in the Positive Psychology realm that demonstrates the importance of Social Connection.  Part of thriving is having relationships.  Yet, in this current age, often our closest relationship is with our electronic devises.  We spend more time in the digital world surfing than we do in the present moment noticing and interacting with people around us.

What if we became more present and opened our hearts to noticing simple opportunities to connect deeply to those around us?

What if we put away our devices while traveling and actively chatted with strangers?

What if when we are home, we turned off the tv and had deep, loving, curious interactions with our spouses and children?

What if we took time to think of the people in our lives and how much joy could be possible if we consciously and creatively invested in those relationships?

Having loving interactions brings us back to a sense of "WE"....and it takes us out of "I" mode.

And, just notice the irony of the image above:

When "I" is replaced by "WE" even illness becomes wellness.

If you feel life isn't "rich" enough or "interesting" enough or "exciting enough" these days -- perhaps there is a simple solution:  invest your time and attention in fostering loving, heart-centered interactions with the people around you.

I'll be doing so with Sage in my little part of the World :)

With all my love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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