Thursday, September 29, 2016

Hope for the Heart: What If You Were Made to be Different?

From my heart I sense a need to share hope today.

Too many of us have gotten stuck in the Comparison Game.  We look at people around us and compare our journey to theirs.  We take in commercials of perfect looking people living in Martha Stewart Homes, wearing designer clothes and seeming to "have it all" and we choose to spend time comparing ourselves to this "ideal life."  These patterns of thinking cause us to  feel "less than" or "not good enough."

The comparison game is draining, isn't it?

It saps the vital life force, the creative energy and zest for life we each have at our disposal.

Who said we were all made to live on this one specifically deemed "success track" of life?  Striving, exhausting ourselves day in and day out to live this picture perfect life and then feeling a sense of inner despair when what we have just doesn't seem to satisfy our soul.

Today is a day we can each choose to question the status quo.

Today is a fresh opportunity to ask ourselves some vital questions that can lead toward a deeper awareness and a sense of new possibilities.

Today is a day to investigate the "Comparison Thinking" that leads us toward depression, stress and a sense of just not ever being good enough.

So, put your seat belt on.  Challenge yourself a little bit.  Just because you have thought one particular way your entire life doesn't mean you have to continue doing so.


For those of us yearning to wake up and feel better, perhaps a little thinking tune up will be just what the doctor ordered.

Here are some questions to shake up the old thought patterns a stimulate your awareness of the myriad of new choices we each have to wake up and become free within:

What if you were BORN WORTHY and you don't have to spend all day every day trying so hard to convince people that you are worthwhile?  What would you be doing differently today if you knew that you were born acceptable just as you are?

What if there are as many versions of a "successful life" as there are people on this planet?  What if you could create your own definition of a successful life--one that might have to do with more than just the material world, titles and status symbols?  How would you define success for you?

What if you realized you don't have to prove anything to anyone?  What if you allowed yourself to just BE YOU FULLY all day today without pretense or effort?  How would life feel if you gave yourself this type of inner freedom?

What if you are not meant to FIT IN?  What if instead, you were meant to be unique, quirky, unusual, outside the box (what the heck is this BOX anyway??)?  What if the best gift you can give the world is to allow yourself the opportunity to be your naturally gifted self?

My prayer today is that each of us will begin to become aware of how often we allow "comparison thinking" to take over our minds.  Remember, your thoughts trigger your emotions, your emotions trigger what you do and the cumulative effect of all of this is your life experience.  If you feel dissatisfied with your current life experience the key is to go back to the THINKING that got you where you are today.

Do this with a playful, light heart.  Like a child walking around a vast field with a magnifying glass studying flowers, grass, bugs, and dirt...imagine yourself taking a tour of your thinking in the same way.  Be curious, interested.  Grow your awareness.

Who knows, you might just find that one small thought you can change that will change the entire trajectory of your life!

If you need support in this process, you can always leave a question or comment here on this blog and I will take the time to answer.  Or, you can contact me via my website: .
Exploring the inner realms with you,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.


  1. This is so true Trish. Thank you for reminding us of our "comparison thinking". Not useful at all.

  2. @Rosario Hughes, You are welcome... :)
