Friday, October 14, 2016

The Divine Space of Not Knowing -- A Peek Into A Constant Challenge I Face

As I woke up this morning to spend time in meditation, I noticed anxious stories swirling in my mind and body.  No matter how much I tried to relax, this relentless thinking kept begging for my attention.

As many of you know, my oldest daughter, Maggie, has a rare disease called Prader Willi Syndrome.  It is a highly complex condition --because the constant backdrop of her life is that she feels hungry no matter how much food she has eaten.  Her hunger can never be satisfied, so thoughts of food never cease for her.

Maggie, is resilient and strong--and she forges ahead through each day with such love in her heart.  She is full of potential and purpose.  Yet, certain situations create tremendous stress for her, especially in the school environment.

Thus, I am often "on-call" and need to be available to collaborate with her school to create solutions that support her success.

The past few weeks have been particularly challenging.  So, I have had my "advocate hat" on and I've been working with the school team to come up with the next set of solutions for Maggie.

In creating new solutions, sometimes we also then stir up new challenges.

So, this morning, the moment I woke up, my mind was working on over-drive.  Even as I tried to settle down and empty myself for a few moments of Divine silence, I found my mind on high speed.

As I sat in this state, I realized that once again, I was trying to figure it all out.  I was trying to get into the future to predict what would happen and conjure up a million possible scenarios of how to make things better.  I suddenly smiled.  And, took a deep breath.  I went back to my understanding that no amount of worry right now will solve something in the future.  All I have is THIS moment, the Present moment.

The intense challenges that surround Maggie's rare disease have been one of the greatest teachers of my life.  Because there is no easy solution, I truly CAN'T figure it all out.  So, I have over and over been forced to surrender and open to receiving solutions that are BEYOND ME.  When I finally stop the frantic thinking and open my heart, "God, what do I need to know about this situation?  God, what is needed for Maggie?" is then that quiet whispers and solutions are shown to me.

As I smiled at my own inner, insane struggle this morning, here are the words that flowed to me:

"Trish, not knowing the solution is a Divine place to be.  When you surrender and admit that you just don't know what will help in a situation, the space for Divine revelation and inspiration open up for you.  When you are fully present and open in the moment, everything you need to know will be revealed to you.  These inspired ideas come from beyond what you can think of, beyond what you can project into the future...Fresh thinking, creative solutions that will help you pioneer a new path for yourself will flow in and give you the next step needed."

So, here I am once again at the cutting edge of my growth.  I find myself in a space of not knowing what to do or say.  I find myself in tears as the patterns of fears emerge.  Then, through the stream of hot tears that come down my cheeks I receive that perfect ah-ha:  I don't have to figure this all out at 5 a.m. this morning.  I can relax into God's loving arms.  I can trust this process.  I have been given the Divine answer in every situation I faced with Maggie for the past 13 years, so that will be the case today as well.

It is as if the built up worry that filled me from head to toe finally began to drain into the ground beneath me.  This human journey is CRAZILY INTENSE sometimes.  But, I see that the struggles that are on my path are what is causing me to rise to my next level of understanding and compassion for myself and others.

I'm grateful for it all.  And, each day I am learning to find the humor in it rather than taking it all so seriously.

I pray that what I've shared from my heart helps or inspires you in some way.  First, I don't have a perfect life.  I have messy struggles and challenges too.  That doesn't mean anything is wrong --it just means that I'm being trained and grown.  And, for that I am truly grateful.  I say that my life purpose is to help myself and others reach their full potential.  Thus, I am given the set of "training" situations that will allow my potential to emerge further so that I am forced to apply and learn everything I teach and share with others.

From the deepest part of my heart to yours, let's choose present-moment peace....and know that Divine answers come just when we need them.

With all my love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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