Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Soar Higher: Let Go of What Weighs You Down!

 I was reading through my journal from this time last year.  In it, I described the situations and the thinking that were weighing me down.  What was most interesting to me was that some of these situations are still on-going in my life...BUT...my perspective on these situations has changed.  I see myself and my life differently.

Rather than being weighed down by self-judgment, I now offer myself grace.  This allows my energy to be softer and lighter each day.

Rather than being afraid of outcomes, I choose to believe that everything turns out for my highest good and the highest good of those around me.  This shift allows me to walk calmly through each day allowing creative solutions to emerge when challenging circumstances arise.

Rather than the painful stories of the past taunting me and causing inner turmoil, I've cried needed tears and done inner work to release layers of pain.  This change of perspective allows me to enjoy the gems of wisdom from my past rather than feeling exhausted each day from unresolved inner struggles.

Rather than feeling guilt for all that I am not able to accomplish or be on a given day, I instead focus on what is highest priority and simply do my best.  This approach allows me to celebrate every bit of good, every bit of progress rather than beating myself up or telling myself "I'm not good enough."

I am still finding layers of thinking that need some clean-up!  But, I'm motivated to keep going with this process because I feel better and better each day as a result of doing this inner clean-up work.

In my work as a professional coach, I have come to realize that I'm not alone when it comes to debilitating thought patterns.  Every client that I work with has some form of thinking that saps them, hinders them or causes them to feel like life is heavier than it needs to be.  As I work with clients over a period of time, it is amazing to see that increased self-awareness of their inner patterns allows them to discover opportunity after opportunity to break free.  The inner work of shifting their thinking allows them a new approach on how they create their outer world.  What results from greater awareness?  Increased freedom.  Greater peace.  Deeper acceptance of self.  Discovery of their potential.

Notice today.  Observe.  Be curious (self-judgment is not needed in this process).  Pay attention to the repetitive thought patterns that might be draining your vital life energy.

Write the patterns down so you can begin to see them clearly in black and white.

Get excited as you find the thinking that weighs you down.  Each thought pattern you identify is a tremendous opportunity to regain your peace, power and joy.

Deepening my awareness with you,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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