Thursday, August 25, 2016

Break Free of External Definitions - Be Uniquely YOU

It's time to unmask this ridiculous mentality the majority have bought into:  Feeling Less Than-- believing that it's okay to regularly enter an inner, mental abuse chamber of self-deprecation and self-mutilation.

I don't feel my words are extreme.  I feel they are accurate.  After spending hour after countless hour with coaching clients, I've heard how hard people can be on themselves.  I've seen how they beat themselves up and have an underlying sense of just not ever being "good enough".  I've seen the sense of desperation and sadness of never feeling like they can measure up no matter how hard they try.

How does this happen?  How is it that beautiful beings who enter this life happy, pure and full of amazing energy are somehow programmed to think that who they are is not okay?

Humanity has been hypnotized by unconscious thinking--by systems that teach us to compare ourselves with one another.  By systems that have designed limited definitions of success--that there are only certain forms of success that are "acceptable."  If you are the jock who shines on the sports turf or the academic genius who can memorize and pass exams--then, you are deemed "great".  If you are the corporate person who can climb the ladder and earn the big bucks then you are told you "have arrived."  If you have a body that matches the tall, skinny, light-skinned definition of magazine-cover-model beauty, then you are "pretty."




I am not the type of person to swear.  But as I sit here and mull over the thinking 99% of humanity has unconsciously accepted, I must say this:  B*llsh*t.  We need to unmask this for ourselves.  We need stop  blindly and unknowingly believing what we've been told about how to be "acceptable" in the World's eyes.

Each of us is a remarkable being born full of tremendous genius and talent.  But, we have been told in subtle and blatant ways:  "You aren't good enough.  Compare yourself to external standards.  You really just don't measure up and you probably never will."

It's time to QUESTION THIS!

Let's wake up.  Let's do so together.  Let's stop allowing these old patterns of thought that have kept far too many people stuck for much too long.

It's time to call Humanity's bluff.  It's time to wake up from the toxic mental programming.

Just because a person doesn't fit some limited form of "success", doesn't mean they aren't valuable or important.

It's time to expand the definitions of beauty, success and talent.  It's time to teach our children and re-teach our adults to value their uniqueness.  It's time to start having fun more and drop this mental imprisonment.

Each of us has the opportunity to chart our own journey.  Each of us has the opportunity to begin to accept ourselves as we are and open up to exploring the fascinating, complex, configuration of potential built into us at birth.

Imagine for a minute if rather than feeling bad about yourself all day because you are comparing yourself to how much other's have, how pretty others, how far along others seem to be -- if instead, you just opened up your mind and spirit and decided to have some fun and experiment with becoming your best self.  Your "success" SHOULD take a completely different form than mine because we were purposefully created DIFFERENT.

Clearly, this cookie-cutter definition of "success" and "worthiness" that the world's systems attempt to impose on us is not working for anyone.  Many are on anti-depressants climbing the artificial ladders put in front of them.  Most are drinking wine or bottled beer each night soothing themselves because of their sense of "not being enough."

What if we begin to embrace the thinking that each human being is valuable and that it is our differences, our unique points, that what will lead us to the exciting, fun-filled expressions of our potential?

What if we each begin to create a definition of success that is not so much about the material trappings and external representations of "wealth" but instead about the inner riches of living a peace-filled, happy and free existence?

What if we focus our energy on exploring and finding wonderful ways to express our differentiated potential?

How much better might we feel if our thinking time was used in celebrating everything about ourselves--especially our flaws, our pain points and our wounds --because we know that from the deepest, darkest moments of our existence will emerge the greatest gems of wisdom and breadth of BEING that will allow us to be transformational agents of change on this planet?

I may be radical in the thoughts I share today but RADICAL INNER CHANGE is needed across this planet.  It's too easy to become a robotic, programmed being doing what everyone else is doing to fit in because this has become the "norm."  It ain't working, is it?  I know it didn't work for me and I see clearly in the people I interact with and coach that it is NOT working for them either.  Being sad, forlorn and stuck is not the way to thrive.

So, perhaps, it's time to redefine how you see yourself and how you will come to define success on your own terms.  Maybe today it would be worth taking a few minutes to craft your personal definition of success--when it is all said and done and you are near death, what would you really have wanted to invested your precious life-energy to become and to create?

I'm just saying...maybe, there's a whole new approach and maybe you can be part of defining it, living it and breaking free so you can find a deep sense of happiness and well-being for the 80 to 100 years you are resident here...and so you can bring the best of yourself and your gifts to helping transform this planet.

What do you think?  Leave a comment ...even if it is one word...let's converse on this essential topic.

Redefining this with you,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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