Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Game-Changing Mindset: BE In IT For Life! (This WILL Soothe Your Soul Today)

He had been successful early.  A business that took off faster than he could have imagined.  Yet the twists and turns brought the business to a downfall.  Now, as he tries to rebuild he feels guilt.  He judges himself and beats himself up inside because he "ruined it all."  And now that success isn't coming as quickly as before, he feels there must be something wrong with him and wrong with his life.  He approached me with a sense of despair and such a build up of inner pressure and stress that even though we were chatting online, I could FEEL his energy from thousands of miles away.

She is multi-talented.  Nobody had taught her about living a life of purpose.  Until now.  Finally in her mid-20s she was waking up to her gifts and seeing how much power she has inside to bring positive change to the world around her.  Yet, guilt haunts her mind.  How could she have waited for so long?  How much further along would she have been if she knew this and acted upon it years ago?  She spends hours a day contemplating the past and feeling bad inside for not knowing then what she knows now.  She came to me with regrets and feeling overwhelmed.  Now she was in a frantic catch-up mode:  her peers were ahead of her and she felt a rush to catch up on her dreams.  I could sense the inner sadness, the harshness she was aiming at herself, the cage of pressure she had built around her.

Can you relate to either of these examples above?

I sit in chat after chat and conversation after conversation with coaching clients, mentees and friends.  I hear judgment after judgment they place on THEMSELVES:

I am not far enough along.
I should have been more successful by now.
What is wrong with me?
Why is this struggle to achieve so challenging?
Why is everyone else getting ahead and I feel like I am falling behind?
I must try harder and work myself to the bone to break through this.
Maybe I am not good enough.
Maybe I had my moment and there is no success left for me on my path ahead.
Maybe I should change courses because things aren't working.
Maybe I don't have what it takes to succeed or make a difference.
Maybe I should give up and forget about all this -- it is just SO hard.
I have made mistakes that define my past and now I can't break free of them.
I am small compared to others around me.
I am not far enough along.

Ok. Now, do you relate to any of the above thinking?

How do you feel when you feed your mind thoughts like this?

Bad...really bad inside, right?

How do thoughts like this affect your life and progress?

It's okay. I know you don't want to answer that question because it is so hard to acknowledge.  So let me answer for you.

Thoughts of inner pressure, stress and feelings of not good enough ROB YOU of your personal power.  They take you away from the gorgeous opportunities of the present moment and into the cage of despair in the pits of your being.  Self-judgment is another word for:  Self-Torture.  Yes, let me say it like it is.

Most people I work with have built an inner chamber of torture.  On a daily basis, maybe multiple times throughout the day, they walk themselves down the stairs into the inner depths.  They then take out their self-harm tools and they unleash a beating on themselves until they are bleeding inside.  They are their own worst enemies -- even those with the most beautiful of hearts and the most purposeful of callings--they learned somewhere along the way to BE HARSH on themselves.

It saddens me to see this.  And, I see it every day.

So, I sit with these precious souls one by one.  I listen to their painful stories and harsh judgments.  I sit compassionately as they pour out their hearts courageously to me.  Then, I work with them to evaluate this thinking that is causing them self-sabotage.

I offer them a new way to think of themselves and their journeys to purpose and success:

My dearest friend, the success journey is designed to be hard!  There are ups and downs.  There are unexpected pitfalls.  There are roadblocks that seem daunting and there are people who may laugh at you when you get stuck.  It's ok.  That IS the journey.  Why not accept the fact that it is MEANT and DESIGNED to BE Challenging to help MAKE you into the most resilient, creative, unstoppable version of yourself you can be?

My dearest friend, you are at  the perfect point on your journey right now.  Yes, you may have lost everything.  You may feel stuck.  You may be unsure of yourself.  You may think you should be more successful by now.  It is OK.  Why not see instead that Your Life is ON SCHEDULE.  It is time now to begin trusting the process and seeing it all as the grand adventure that it is.  You are exactly where you are meant to be in this moment.  As you release the self-doubt and self-judgment, and you begin to open your eyes to the beauty of the present moment, you will find everything you need to move forward today.  When you find peace with yourself, you will unleash your creativity.  When you accept yourself as you are, where you are and trust the process of Life's Ever-Unfolding Curriculum, you can have fun and celebrate BOTH the highs and lows.  You can begin to make room for ALL of Life.

Listen, I don't know about you, but I am ALL IN on the path of my highest potential.
I am 100% dedicated for the LONG Haul.

Yes, change agent -- I am IN IT FOR LIFE.  And, obstacles of today won't stop me.  They are here to show me just how determined and resourceful I can be.

Yes, change agent -- I am IN IT FOR LIFE.  And, those naysayers and judgers who want to mock my journey, they are there to help me LOOK WITHIN and KNOW my OWN POWER.  As I realize that I do not need anyone's approval nor appreciation --since I can generate that fuel myself, I become joyful and full of humor as I listen to the peanut gallery chatting away wasting their precious time and energy focused on my journey instead of pouring their hearts and minds into their own progress.

Yes, change agent -- the path to living your purpose can feel quite hard--sometimes it feels like you are knee deep in mud.  But that doesn't mean something is wrong with YOU.  It just means you have some exciting, intensive life coursework you are being given.  You will wade through that mud successfully if you stay present, call on the Divine forces to support you and surround yourself with encouragers and successful change agent mentors who can guide and cheer you on while you move through the mud pits.

I felt the need today to offer you a GAME-CHANGING mindset.  As I sit with remarkable souls who are a bit lost in self-doubt and despair and offer them these ideas, I can feel their energy change.

"You mean, it is okay to be just as I am, where I am right now?" they ask.
"Yes, dear, you are doing just fine.  Just embrace the journey, be compassionate to yourself, you are trying so hard--maybe too hard." I respond.
"You mean that other people feel the way I do too?" they wonder.
"Yes, dear, I hear this trapped thinking all the time.  You are not the only one." I assure.
"You mean that failing is not a bad thing?" they inquire.
"Yes, dear, failing just means you tried something and it didn't work out this time.  You can keep trying again and again and one day, you are going to get that breakthrough.  So, stop judging the results and instead have fun with the PROCESS.  Learn every moment and then you will be amazed at just how rich and equipped you become BECAUSE OF the CHALLENGES."

I write this blog to reach thousands, tens of thousands, even millions.

How I wish that I could have this same heartfelt conversation with every one of the 7 Billion people on the planet.  How I wish that more people relaxed inside, offered themselves compassion, opened up to realize the challenges are PURPOSEFULLY designed for their highest good.  How I wish each one knew that their lives are on schedule and they are permitted to have fun experimenting with becoming their best self and finding their way to their own unique version of success and meaning.

You are doing just fine, friend -- no matter how life looks right now.  Just embrace yourself for your efforts and your heart.

Everything is going to turn out just fine if you relax into the process, learn and grow each step of the way and trust that your gifts will emerge as you keep showing up with courage on a daily basis.

I offer you the highest love and respect possible.
We are all in this together and I know NOW MORE THAN EVER -- we are here to live our purposes for LIFE.

All my love,
Trish Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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